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Michael J. O’Connor Supports Joe Snedeker, WNEP, and St. Joseph’s Center in Annual “Go Joe”

Attorney Michael J. O’Connor would like to commend WNEP’s meteorologist, Joe Snedeker, for allowing Schuylkill County to participate in “Go Joe VII”. As part of his charity bicycle route, Joe peddled into town and was greeted “Tour de Frackville” style with a police car and fire engine escort.
Frackville was Joe’s 4th stop on his 500-mile charity bike ride, which began in Seneca Rocks, West Virginia. Over the last six years, Joe has raised over one million dollars for the children of St. Joseph’s Center. Attorney O’Connor was honored when Joe asked O’Connor to host his stop in Schuylkill County. O’Connor was very touched by the community outpouring of support for Joe and the St. Joseph’s Center. Hundreds of people withstood the heat to encourage Joe on his journey with cheers and applause. In addition, the people of Frackville presented Joe with $3,700 in donations for St. Joseph’s Center.